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Infant Programming - 6 Weeks to 1-Year


"It's all of these profound things crashing on you when your child arrives into the world.  It's like you've met your reason to live."

~ Johnny Depp


The staff of Arts for Kids is both professional and caring.  They will teach and care for your child using their experience and the information they receive from you.  Each staff member has or will soon complete the required education to be a professional childcare provider in the State of Wisconsin.

Our committment to quality care begins with the partnership between our care givers and parents, which is especially important in providing the highest quality of care for infants.

Together, parents and care givers develop a daily schedule that meets the individual needs of the child.  This open communication will be on-going during the child's time at the Center.

The Center realizes that very young children require an environment that is responsive to individual needs.  Our loving care givers respond with kind words, warm smiles and gentle touches to assure infants they are safe, secure and special.  Our infant classroom offers an array of bright , stimulating equipment alongside soothing, restful areas.  Our infant room is a safe and secure place for infants to explore and learn as they spend their day with us.  Each infant is on their own unique feeding, sleep and play schedules.  Our nurturing infant program is designed just for them with their best interest at heart. Non mobile infants will be moved to various activities in the room to provide variety and enjoyment in their day.

Children under the age of 2 years old will have a notebook system for direct communication with their teacher(s).  In this notebook the teacher will log the daily activities, feedings ad rest times of your child.  Parents will be asked to list pertinent information that will ensure the individualized schedule of each child is up to date.  To include, but not limited to, the last time the child ate,slept and was changed, as well as mood and sleeping patterns of the night before.

December 2024 News!

Infant I 

Happy December everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the first snow fall and your Thanksgivings. We had such a great November learning all about weather, turkeys, and Thanksgiving. These 4 babies amaze me everyday with all the rolling, moving, and “talking” they’ve been doing!   In December we will be learning about healthy bodies, Santa, snowmen, and family time!   We will also get to play with some snow if the weather allows! Have a great December everyone! 

Ms. Allie

Infant II

Welcome December! Tis the season. Where did November go? I hope everyone had a very  Happy Thanksgiving surrounded by family and friends. Lots of laughter and good food and  naps of course. We had a great month with our little turkeys. Mariana and Josie officially  moved over to our side. They are doing wonderful fitting into their new room. We are getting  to know their so sweet personalities.

We had to say goodbye to Ivy right before Thanksgiving. She moved to a new daycare closer  to home and where her parents work. We miss her already! Atticus and Athena are walking. Josie is sitting up without support. Marianna is starting to crawl. Nolan, Theodore, and Jason are

starting to push the walkers. Good things are happening in here everyday! We are so thankful for our families. We love talking to you at drop offs and pick ups. It’s nice   to take time, if only a few minutes, to share information and things your child is doing. We made your children into turkeys for our bulletin board and made their feet into pieces of pumpkin pie. We also made their Thankful for You mats the week of Thanksgiving.

We look forward to our ideas and projects for December.


Ms. Tina and Ms. Kayla       

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